One Hell of a Year

It’s 11: 12 pm on December the 11, 2016. One of my best friends just tweeted “i had a hell of a year tbh.”, and I couldn’t help but think that I absolutely feel the same way. So let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about the exciting and hellish roller coaster 2016 has been for me. 

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Every 20-something has a blog. This is mine.

I know what you must be thinking. Wow, an (almost)* 20-year-old made a blog. What’s new? Nothing, honestly. I, like many other women my age,  have just had the urge to write.

The thoughts that run through my head when I can’t sleep, or the tangents my brain goes on during class, have been growing louder. I feel the need to share them. Or maybe not even share. I honestly don’t care if no one reads a word of my blog. Maybe a better word is save. In a digital world it makes more sense to keep these words on a website than in a book that I’m bound to loose. Also I don’t have to look at my own handwriting, which is such a bonus.

For this post (entry?), I’m going to give any future readers (older me included (wazzup Carey? How’s your thirties?)) a little bit of exposition.

I’m currently a sophomore at the University of North Texas, and a sandwich maker who misses waitressing. I am often homesick, and should call my mom more. I have two fish, named after my favorite youtubers. I did not name either fish. I have three plants, and every day I beg them not to die. I’m taking 15 hours and I only hate three of them. This month my big bad is the financial aid office, while the Monster of the Week is my health test (that I should be studying for right now.)

Television, music, and literature are all things that I really love, and things that I think shape your world. At the end of every post I will be talking about what I’m watching/reading/listening to.

I’m currently watching:

Scrubs- I’ve been watching this for a while, but every once in a while I get distracted. It’s a show that is guaranteed to make me laugh, but is a little to easy to binge. 

I’m currently listening to:

Dear Hank and John – A podcast where John and Hank Green talk about Mars, Soccer, and give listeners (dubious) advice. Mostly, I enjoy listening to intelligent people have interesting conversations, but as an added bonus it’s usually pretty funny. Also, podcasts are cool because it sorta feels like human interactions, but it’s not.

Kanye by the Chain Smokers. It’s a song with a message I can really get behind. Also it’s really flipping catchy. I’ve been listening to it for weeks.

Until next time,

-Carey Grace

*I’m aware that I am only 19, with four months until I am 20. I know that technically, even then, I will not be a twenty-something. I like that word, and that’s the group I”m choosing to lump myself in with.